Travels with Auntie

Travels with Auntie

Travels with Auntie March 2010

“One’s destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things.”

(Henry Miller)

“Yvette, you are not going to wear sneakers in Italy!” “Of course not.” I don’t even wear them in Boston unless I am going to my health club. In Italy only my best shoes will do; those that are both comfortable and fashionable.

When meeting my aunt Chantal for the first time, you might think you are dealing with the wrong person…not the 85 year old you expected. This is because you did not know that most 25 year old women are so much older than Auntie Chantal. Her energy, humor, quick wit, engaging enthusiasm and open-mindedness will leave you breathless. When she walks, Chantal moves the air with impressive ease. Not in the all too familiar entitled and self-centered way, but in a way that exudes compassion and commends instant respect. Chantal connects naturally with people. She has a smile and a “bon mot” for everyone. Her insatiable curiosity and discerning insights might even make you acutely aware you the tight (you know what) that you really are, for Chantal is a modern woman who wears stilettos when others think she should not.

My husband thought I was crazy to want to travel to Italy with Auntie Chantal, she wears him out. “It’s OK honey, I can handle her.” What I meant is “I want to be exactly like her when I am her age.”

Traveling with my aunt is an adventure. How can it not be? Her positive outlook will brighten the gloomiest day and her keen insights will tame the most blasé fellow. Unlike me, she can walk up to a perfect stranger especially a handsome one with disarming confidence. I come back from a journey with her, my creative well filled with renewed sensitivity and moreover, with an incomparable élan. Chantal is and will always be “une Grande Dame”.

Everyone especially every artist should have an Auntie Chantal in his or her life. If you don’t, then you must imagine her. Open your heart and take on a journey. You do not need to go to Italy, just take her for a day excursion to the country and welcome the experience with your face turned towards the horizon.